Monday, December 26, 2005

Porn, porn, porn...

This may be a bit long, but bare with it if you have time, it’ll be worth it, I guarantee.
I got a subscription to a magazine called ‘relevant’ for Christmas and came across an interesting article I wanted to share a bit from and an opinion. The article is called “Christians at a Porn Show”. There’s a group of Christians in the states called the ‘XXXChurch’. Founded by two pastors, if you hadn’t guessed it, their ministry is porn. Now there’s this annual Porn Show down in LA called “Erotica Los Angeles”. I’m guessing there all sorts of material present at this event that I really don’t want to fathom about. From reading the article it doesn’t sound pretty and these guys and girls needed a lot of spiritual prepping for an event this. They’re quite a controversial group and that’s why I like em’!
They opened two booths at the Porn Show and issued people to go 7 days without porn. They sold merchandise too such as shirts that read ‘Jesus Loves Porn Stars’ and ‘Do You Have the Balls to Stop Looking at Porn?’ Again, quite controversial.
I wish you could read the entire article but it wouldn’t be exciting on a blog page. You need all the color and pictures! (no, they’re not porn pictures)

I just wanted to write a few statistics and one write up of a volunteer from this event.

“Over the course of the convention, 213 people signed up for the seven-day porn challenge and more than 250 shirts were passed out.”
“It was my third consecutive year exhibiting at the Erotica LA Convention, which happens to be the world’s largest porn show. More than 60,000 people would walk through these doors into the 250,000 square feet of floor space over the course of the weekend.”

Julia, 24 wrote: “I’m so sad right now, so broken, so burdened. Why do people want to do this? Why do they think so little of themselves that they would take something so precious, so special, something that God wants us to save for one person? As I walked through the show, my soul felt like it was being suffocated. A life of complete emptiness and abandonment await these young girls. I want to hold them and convince them somehow that they are so special and precious and don’t need to be used. They are amazing women that God wants to love and hold close. You should see the hurt after some guy puts his hands on them for a picture. They smile for the camera and cry in their hearts. How can I, through my Jesus, help someone who has no understanding of love? ….. Thousands upon thousands of people lined up to pay $30 for a weekend filled with lust and physical desires only to go out of the show and think that what they saw is how sex and relationships should be. God taught me that I need to love these people even more, and that sin is sin and I am no different than them. I too have made compromises that have hurt me, and just like me, God can heal them. Also I realized just how disrespectful we are to each other. How can we ever have true relationships with friends or significant others if we only care about ourselves?

I was just blown away by this article and I wish I could post it all or send a link to it but unfortunately I can’t because it’s in a magazine. It just got me thinking about that industry, about the brokenness that goes on in people’s lives. To imagine women who allow men to feel them up for a picture and have to smile all while they’re sexually harassed. There are no personalities. Just pretty faces with picture perfect bodies. I can’t really imagine being there, nor would I want to. To understand how draining it would have been to go there and try to be a light in a very dark place. I’m sure those men and women saw a lot of filth they don’t want to see, but they’re called for it and prepped for it. Changing people’s lives and views of pornography. If you want to know more about the article or other write ups, I can write up some more if you want. You can also visit to check out their website. It’s quite humorous but I think, ‘if they’re called by God to do this, then that is awesome!!’

Thats crazy...if you are called to something like that you really need to know that you are called to it. Because it wouldn't be cool to get stuck in that. I think that girls do that becuase they werent shown the proper love and respect that they should have got. So they resort to porn. It's so sad but thats the world we live in. Good topic Jishwa.
AMEN BROTHER! I was taking a human sexuality course last spring and i asked every one of the geusts who came in what we as Christians can do for them and what we can do to resurect the churchs' name and they ALL said it was just to love them. I find that they church looks more down on sexual sins when all sin is the same black spot... sin is sin it doesn't matter if its judging or watching porn or a hard heart. Its all the same to God! EVERYBODY needs love and i could feel the sorrow in the girls voice as she explained what she saw in these people.... their despirate need for love and the escap into something thats not real love! Sorry, i am rambling, Be blessed!
You know what Josh...this reminds me very much a dream I had about two months ago, Decmber 9...I had a dream...and in my dream...actually I have it written's what I dreamt...

"...In my dream, one of my really good friends that I had met recently within a couple years in my dream, looked absolutly beautiful on the outside, was popular by everyone, but on the inside I knew something was up. She seemed happy, but I knew otherwise. She was also new to the area of a few years....anyway...someone was doing someone was showing me somekind of webcam show, and there was a crowd watching...and this friend of mine was on the webcam show, I didn't like it, so I shut it off, people were mad but oh well, and she didn't understand why. And then she showed me her website. She had been a pornstar before she moved and even still then, she ran her own website. I shut it down, took her by her hands and looked her right in the eyes, I said to her, "Listen to me, I'm telling you this as a friend to another friend, a good friend to another good friend, not as some guy to a pornstar, but as a friend to a friend. You are the most beautiful gil I know and have ever seen, you always look happy and that you enjoy life, but I know that deep down inside you are really hurting. you don't want this, this isn't the lifestyle that you want. I don't know why you turned to this lifestyle, maybe it was because you don't have a father figure in your life, or weren't brought up right, so you were looking for love in all the wrong places. But you don't have to run or hide, there's so much more that life has to offer, more then the porn industry could ever offer, you don't need to show yourself off to people, God has so much more instore for you, he doesn't care what you've done in the past. God loves you, and I love you, I'm here for you. I'm not your friend because of your site, I'm your friend because of who you are." I could see that this deeply moved her and that it hit her right on the spot that shee's been hiding for a long time, that she didn't want to expose to anyone..."

That's all for my dream...haha! But yeah...I don't know what to make of that dream...
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