Tuesday, January 24, 2006

100 Things I'm Thankful For Today

1. I was given another day to live
2. I could breathe freely
3. I had legs to get out of bed
4.I had arms to help my legs out of bed
5. I had eyes to see so I could get to the bathroom
6. I had a bed to sleep in and a house to wake up to
7. I had a shower, with hot, clean water to use
8. I had soap to clean myself with
9. I had a nice towel to dry myself off with
10. a toothbrush and paste to keep my teeth clean
11.clothes in good condition I could wear
12. food to eat
13. God's word to eat
14. God to talk to throughout the day
15. I could play guitar for Jesus
16. God has purpose for me today
17. I have a way to get myself around where I want to go
18. free will
19. a job
20. opportunity to grow today
21. God loves me
22. I'm healthy
23. God is bigger than my mistakes I'll make today
24. God can forgive those mistakes
25. I got a lunch break
26. I got to eat my parents' food for free
27. family to see at lunch that love me and I love in return
28. I know I am loved
29. My car runs good
30. God's teaching me things today
31. I have goals to strive for
33. That I'm not the best at what I do
34. Other people are bigger and better than me
35. I'm also not the worst
36. I have enough money to survive today
37. a circle of friends
38. God's preparing me and my wife further today
39. That he'll give me a wife
40. I'm not alone
41. I live in Canada
42. I don't need to worry about being mugged on the way out to my car after work
43. I don't need to worry about tomorrow
44. an opporunity to fix the mistakes I made yesterday
45. opportunity to grow today
46. fellowship
47. gum
48. cell phones
49. dream & vision
50. I can pray whenever and wherever I want to
51. I don't have many enemies
52. God protects me
53. I can connect with him
54. blessing in every and any way.
55. food to eat tonight
56. I have extra clothes to change into after work
57. I can wash those clothes and keep them clean
58. my brain and my body functions properly
59. I have the opportunity to speak into someone's life in various ways
60. through Christ, I can make a difference
61. favor
62. The Dreamcentre
63. Mentors
64. People who are closer to God than I
65. People who are bigger than me spiritually and physically
66. People that I am bigger than spiritually and physically
67. Humbleness
68. the warmer weather
69. sunrises/sunsets
70. I cannot exhaust the love of God
71. fun activities to do
72. People who trust me
73. people who can be trusted
74. quality friends
75. God made women
76. animals
77. beauty of the outdoors
78. people who follow their dreams
79. my dad
80. my mom
81. Zac
82. Jer
83. My dog
84. the choices my parents have made in their lives
85. that someone believes in me
86. someone else will be attracted to me more than anyone else (wife)
87. I could inspire someone
88. someone could inspire me
89. I can enjoy today, pain free
90. people who know more than I do on any given subject
91. people to help me when I need it the most
92. I'll be warm and comfortable when I go to bed tonight
93. I have peace today
94. Medicine Hat
95. The internet
96. technology
97. people who didn't give up
98. people who don't settle for second best
99.I get to rest for the next day
100. For the day and everything it entailed

wow thats a lot of stuff maybe I should make a list
mmm... all the little things that we take for granted... amen for recognizing them! My fav...Gods love for me and for you! It never ceases to amaze me! Be blessed on this very day!
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