Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Life tends to busy itself. I'm not a large fan of 'busy' but I am a fan of 'progress' and I suppose progress is busy at times.

I forgot the difficulty of learning mass amounts of things, yet at the same time, I have no sympathy. When bigger and better things come to your doorstop, bigger responsibility comes right along side as a packaged deal too. Amazing how much we forget in life.
Amazing that we forget what it's like at times, to be a teenager.
We forget what is was lke to be a child, until we're reminded by another's actions.
It's rather funny to feel at the low end of everything you're doing in life. Work, night activities, even the things which I'm involved with at church, I feel least of all the people involved. Humbleness is a crappy lesson to experience, but well worth it in the end. Just pray that you don't require it all the time! It's also interesting to see the support of friends, or lackthereof, all at the same time.
It's funny how God can use them to remind me to completely rely on Him for everything.
It's like walking through a heavily tree infested area, with shrub and brush covering your path to extent that you can't even see 2 feet infront of you. So you cut through it all and go slow and carefully and when you're through you look back from where you come from and see surpirsing result. It's interesting when we do brand new things we've never done before you can't see God anywhere to be found, but afterwards, you see that He was everywhere to be found.

Funny how our dreams which stand so tall before us are easily shattered by a tiny amount of doubt. Yet, if you don't wait too long to pick up the pieces, you can remember how to put it back together. If you can't picture the final product, opposition defeats, but vision will enable one to continue on, regardless of the situation. Especially if you know you're suppose to be there.
Sometimes is it not hard to see around your siutation whatever it may be? I believe faith is the answer to making it through a hurricane. When the Bible says a mustard seed is enough, it means it. Wait till that's all you have; a mustard seed... It sure goes a long ways. I'm thankful for revelation.

wow awesome revelation...I will keep that in mind
Revelation is such a wonderful thing! My big thing is that i am so unworthy, and unqualified but if i put my faith, trust and hope in the One above then He will never lead me stray or let me fall because in Him i can do it all! Be blessed, sorry if my last blog sounded condeming or harsh... it was not meant to do so! Be blessed!
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