Monday, March 13, 2006

Immersed In Jesus

Monday March 13th, 2006

First Off, I want to say that God is absolutely incredible. When you hold on in faith to what he has promised and he begins to take you to a place you’ve never dreamed of, it rocks your world, changing you so you’ll never go back to any sort of life you had before. Praise be with God. These are random thoughts I had today as I was trying to think of something to blog about. I don’t like typing random rants, I like having something solid, something that moves me or is on my heart. I started asking God for a few things in my life which may not be clear or easily understood and from there it just turned into a praise and then I was carried away in a picture which I want to share it all with you all.

Patiently anticipating. I’ll go work in the field as I wait for you, until I hear your voice call me to move. I want corruption erased; removed; vanished. Can I see the complete way it was meant to be? Not what man has made it, not even what I have made it. Can I have the fullness and blessing? Can you teach me, can you show me? Struggles cause growth if viewed correctly – in which I accept. Can we be freed from sin and it’s deception? Can its lies be stoned and put to death before us so we might walk in your absolute and complete blessing? I would rather be rich in relationship than all the money in the world. I know you’re incredibly gracious and this is one area I pray I find it. Yet I give it unto you.

Your timing, your will, your ideas. I’m at peace – you’re preparing it, I know you are. I’ve asked, and I’ve received your promise, I’ve received your word. How can I go wrong with building and maintaining friendships? Holy One. Build and Maintain. Imprison thoughts and slay them dead. I’m patiently anticipating that day.

The process. Learning to love the journey, learning to keep watching you. Where you go, I will follow. Trust your guidance, trust you’ll lead; taste the abundant life. Run the race marked out for us, with perseverance. Extent a hand to those in need; finish together. With strength, with everything provided from the giver – all glory remains with its origin. Thank you One in Heaven above all else, there is none like you – there are none that match, there are none that compare. Splendor, wonder, Majesty, Sovereignty, Holy, Powerful, Wonderful, Beautiful. All control be yours and yours alone. Let me not hinder, but obey. But follow.

Suddenly I’m underneath the surface of water, completely immersed and the top can’t be reached. I’m drowning, but I’m drowning in you. I can still breathe, I can breathe more freely than before. I feel nothing but peace, I am consumed, I am completely relaxed. The water is warm and soothing. It’s crystal clear blue, crisp, beautiful in color. the sunlight above reflects in and through it.. I can feel the warmth of the sun on my face. I’m floating underneath the surface, stationary. You circle around me all over my body and I can feel your every move, I feel your touch, it’s swift but soft. it’s so gentle. It’s full of love. It’s graceful. It’s refreshing; energizing, it’s peaceful. You gently touch my skin; soaking right through, into my bloodstream, into my heart. I’m paralyzed by you. My body floats as if it were dead but my spirit is alive. I am nothing but alive. the feeling is astonishing. I’m in paradise. I can see, I can breathe freely, yet I’m completely submerged. I’m relaxed, your presence is so overwhelmingly strong. Time has froze. I’m invited to rest in you, I shelter in you, I breathe in you, I live in you, I die I in you. I am eternal in you. I am loved by you.

hmmm thats pretty good Josh...I dunno really what to say but I thought I would comment..I just want to say thank you for being there and standing by me when I feel like this.
It's a pleasure...!
wow...what incredible freedom was saturated in this peice... beutiful, extravagently extrodinary with each phrase so uplifting, so majestic, so powerful! Thanks.... i needed that! God has got such big things in store for you... you have NO idea! He loves to pour out blessings upon His children, i have no doubt that they will continue to be poured into you! Keep pressing brother, be blessed, Dawn
Thou hast only been depart from thy presance a short hour. Thou'st electronical devices decided to lay a slumber... which did fall into thy deepest of sleep! Perhaps thou has missed thee? What a great wonder that thou art have been missed with great anticipation... it tis most lovely to note! Perhaps thy will hasten one's appearance soon~
Wow Josh, thats awesome. Just kinda leaves me at a loss for words, other than that God is AMAZING!! Be blessed!
I thougholy enjoy the fact that people are catching onto my written movements! *clapps excitedly* yes! *sends a big smile*
Cant we all just get along
425 points for Josh having HTS! ROFL
ha ha I have the first disorder on kurtis's blog and I think our entire crew has the second one ha ha ha
ha ha I love it
If i remember correctly Josh... when i played spoons with you, you didn't beat me... you only tied it up and that was only because i gave one round away if you remember correctly! (said in teasing voice)Perhaps we need a rematch? *gives smug look along with a sweet smile*
Not only is this the most comments I've EVER had.. they're VERY strayed from the original topic... and Andrea said 'vendetta'.. mmmm.. good movie...and I say to you Dawn.. your pride will be your downfall...keep smilin sister... you're gonna need all the help you can get.. rematch? Consider it done.
mmm yes rematch I love the sound of that...and yes that was a good movie...and josh like I said in my comments I am loving this its almost more fun then reading the blogs lol
First go read the comment that i left on Andrea's blog! Second, whats the sign that you need to make a new post? WHEN YOU HAVE MORE THAN 16 COMMENTS ON YOUR PAGE! lol.... i truely love it! Be blessed!
P.S. Do you like how i am "studying"? lol
Gorgeous Dawn.. absolutely gorgeous... I love how you're 'studying'... and I'll write a new blog soon enough.. when I have something I actually want to write about.. which might be soon, I just need to see if it's something I actually WANT to post....

Seriously. Whats all the fuss about? ;)
No fuss.. women just think they're better than men, that's all..
not true... *pokes Josh in the side*
lol! Dawn, you make me laugh!
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