Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bring Forth the Brand New!

A new year is like stepping outside on a brand new, summer morning, the birds singing, lush, fresh cut grass, green bushes and developed, powerful trees, the warmth of the sun on your face, and the bold, blue sky accented by that beautiful sunset or captivating sunrise! It’s like stopping before you take another step, taking in the kind of deep breath that feels like your lungs are about to explode, but you’ve got this sense of satisfaction of the fragrance; of the incense. Of all the sweet, summer smells.

It’s fresh, it’s brand new! 365 days for God to move, of dreams and ideas to birth and journey themselves into reality. I finished off the year of 06 with a sweet break and on Tuesday Jan 2nd was a harsh reality to go back to work feeling the way I did. I actually fell into this year with an internal struggle rather than a sense of freedom and excitement, but once I fought my way (with help, of course) through, the sun is shining and shining bright in the horizon sky just as it has always been there! I have wanted time to look back on 06 and walk through it in my mind and see all what God had done but it truly was an exciting and full year! For me, I believe…is just the beginning! As I asked myself if I was happy with 06 I could smile with the sense of inner peace and say ‘yes’… it truly was the best year I’ve ever had! The people, the quality, the teachings, the mountains, the hills, the valleys, the processes, everything I had learned and experienced, every gift given to me, every circumstance, I did not let 2006 waste away. With the brand new an element we face every day walking with an infinite God, I can now begin to look forward to this year. With 355 days left, there’s much to step forward with! I had thought what I would like to do or see happen this year, which there’s lots I want to do in regards to beginning to chase my own dreams and I’ve submitted it all to God and now it’s time to walk forward and watch it all unfold. New, new, new!

As for the intimate details, I think I’ll keep to myself, but they’re related with music and arts. Stuff on the inside of me I want to begin to chase after. It’s funny, the DC has declarations, which for me, they need to line up biblically, and whether you believe in declaring or not, I can’t deny the power of speaking words out… as I’ve seen the result of it. Positive fruit, I might add. This year is ‘Just Say No! (to fear, doubt and lack.)” When I read that, I had to laugh to myself and I can see God’s hand again in my life as I began this year and some of the changes I know that are coming my way, can be scary from time to time. And I know regardless of any fear over any circumstance I face this year, I’ll need to throw myself at it, with that fear most likely still present, principle being I can’t allow it to stop me from what’s inside of me. So here’s to 2007, make your list, set your goals (NOT resolutions) and see if you can submit yourself to an infinite God, to an abundant life and sit back and enjoy the ride! I’m honored to enjoy life with the people that are around me! My family, Dawn and my friends as well as everyone few and far between! Here we go! This year will be a year to make memories that will last a lifetime. Memories we won’t soon forget!

That was awesome! I am definitely excited to see what's in store for 2007! God is such an awesome God and He has everything planned out, so we don't have to worry over it! Keep pressing in and I know this year is going to be an exciting one! May God pour His blessings over you, fill your cup until it overflows, and teach you new and exciting things as you venture into this new year!!
When I saw that banner Josh I just started laughin I was like yep this is the year to say no...and God had told me that at the beggining and this is why I know I am where I am supposed to be...anyways this is goin to be a great year
Its weird how much power words carry~ The have the power to affect our lives on a daily basis! Its crazy! Yet another thing is when its the start of a new year... things change, it seems to give people hope when, in reality its only another day in our lives~ I think the quote from V for Vendetta is true that people give symbols power. Good post babe~ Love you!
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